Why vaccinate?
✓ It is cheaper to vaccinate your dog annually; once he acquires one of the following illnesses, treatment can be very costly (and might not work). With over 50 million dogs in the US alone, your dog is bound to come in contact with an infectious disease at some point. Even if you always keep your pet indoors, your dog can be exposed to viruses carried in the air, in dust, or on clothing.
✓ Your dog depends on you for shelter, food, and companionship. It is your responsibility to protect him from harm. Having a dog is akin to raising a small child. You will have a happier and stronger dog; a vaccinated dog has a stronger immune system and is thus “more protected” against whatever the world will throw at him.
✓ The law requires all dogs to be current on Rabies because it can be transmitted to humans.

Puppies (Less than 1 year of age):
- DA2PP shots every 3 weeks (21 days) until week 20 (month 5). If a dose is missed, or if the puppy is over 5 months of age and has never gotten a shot before, than 1 more dose 3 weeks later. Minimum age is 6 weeks.
- Bordetella: 2 vaccines, 3 weeks (21 days) apart. minimum age is 8 weeks.
- Leptospirosis: 2 vaccines, 3 weeks (21 days) apart.
- CIV bivalent (Canine Influenza): 2 vaccines, 3 weeks (21 days) apart.
- Rabies – usually done around 16 week (4 month) mark, but can be done as early as 14 weeks (3.5 months)
- We utilize Nobivac Edge vaccines, which are 1/2 ml vaccines that are less reactive than anything else on the market.
Core Vaccines
- Distemper: Every dog will be exposed to distemper within his first year of life. “Squinting” of the eyes is often the first sign observed. The disease progresses through several stages, culminating in nervous manifestations (convulsions, twitches, partial paralysis) in late stage. It is very contagious and is usually fatal.
- Adenovirus type 2: Transmitted by saliva, urine, feces, and other secretions. Attacks cells lining blood vessels, the liver, and the kidneys, causing infectious hepatitis (and eventually liver failure), eye damage, and breathing problems, as well as being involved in CIRDC. (Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex, formerly known as kennel cough)
- Parvovirus: This is the MOST SERIOUS and FATAL disease we see today, especially for young puppies. Like distemper, it is very common in the Stockton Signs include vomiting, fever, diarrhea, and depression. There is another form where the virus attacks the heart muscle, causing a heart attack, and death. The younger the pet, the weaker his immune system, and the greater the chance of death. The rate of mortality is very high in dogs under 4-6 months of age. A dog that recovers from the disease, remains a “carrier,” spreading the virus in its bowel movements for 1-3 months.
- Parainfluenza: Involved in the syndrome known as kennel cough & can cause respiratory death.
This is a highly contagious airborne bacterial infection involved in CIRDC (Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (kennel cough) It causes persistent coughing, sneezing, and retching accompanied by nasal discharge, as well as increasing susceptibility to other upper respiratory infections. We carry an oral vaccine; it is not swallowed but instead the vaccine is squirted into the dog’s mouth and absorbed by the oral mucosa.
This incurable viral disease attacks the nervous system of all mammals, including humans. Rabies is a public health hazard and is of personal risk to you. Transmitted by the bite of an infected animal, there is no cure. Vaccination is required by law and is very important for your safety and that of your pet.
CIV Bivalent:
The Canine Influenza virus is a relatively new and highly contagious disease caused by the H3N8 and H3N2 strain of the influenza A virus. Dogs have no natural immunity to it. The virus quickly spreads via direct contact, contaminated surfaces, and through the air (coughing, sneezing). This virus is one of the contributors to CIRDC (Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex). As there are two main pathogenic (disease-causing) strains of the virus, we carry and vaccinate for both strains (in one injection)
This vaccine protects against leptosporosis. Caused by a bacteria, this infection can result in renal failure, vomiting, fever, jaundice, infertility, abortion, and death. This bacteria is commonly present in rodents/possums/skunks. This is highly contagious, especially if your dog frequents dog parks. It is also zoonotic (transmissible to humans)
Non-Core Vaccines
Lyme disease (Borreliosis): Transmitted by ticks, this disease can affect humans as well as animals. It causes chronic arthritis and skin lesions, loss of appetite, depression, and fever. In untreated cases, it can lead to nervous system complications like facial palsy, and serious heart problems. It is a recommended vaccine if you plan on taking your dog camping or hiking, or for owners who live in rural and/or wooded areas.
Rattlesnake vaccine: The vaccine contains venom components from the western diamondback (Crotalus atrox). We only recommend this vaccine to dogs that frequently encounter rattlesnakes.